

Location: BOSTON, MA

COMING THROUGH THE RYE will be screened :

Sunday, April 17th  5:30 pm  Paramount Theater  559 Washington St.  Boston, 02111 

For more on the screening at the  Boston International Film Festival click on this link.


Welcome to the 13th Annual Boston International Film Festival. We are proud that for thirteen years we have been able to serve the city of Boston, by sharing films from over 60 countries. We have enabled filmmakers from every continent to come together to share their art. The Boston international Film Festival has become a lasting institution in Boston, and we are happy to continue bringing international films to our city. We welcome all people to join us in celebrating this exciting event. The filmmakers will be sharing their diverse and powerful visions of humanity. Our greatest hope is that through these films the audience will be inspired and encouraged to embrace all the world’s cultural diversity and work towards a more understanding, peaceful world.


The Boston International Film Festival was created to celebrate the art of filmmaking and to honor the filmmakers who make it all possible. This is a festival dedicated to rewarding artists for their individual talents and for their creative expression through the medium of film. The festival strives to bring together in Boston local, national and international filmmakers by promoting the world’s most artistic and creative independent and experimental films.


The festival’s goal is to encourage and support the work of worldwide independent filmmakers and to promote their products as an art concept and as a valuable contribution to world understanding. The occasion of a 5-day festival affords a rare opportunity to promote dialogue between filmmakers and the audience in an intimate setting. The Festival Committee also hopes to provide an international cultural platform for screening feature-length, documentary, short and student works as a lasting institution.