

COMING THROUGH THE RYE    Saturday, July 3oth  at 7:30 pm   — Town Hall Theater


Following the screenings will be a Q&A with:
Academy Award Winner Chris Cooper
James Sadwith — Writer, Director, Producer


For more on the festival click on this link: Bookstock 



Bookstock supports the cultural richness and diversity of the Upper Valley and celebrates authors and poets, both established and emerging, from our region. New England is home to many talented writers representing diverse genres, from national Poet Laureates and Pulitzer Prize winners to emerging young writers and those who have found their compelling voice at midlife. Bookstock encourages appreciation for good writing and other artistic endeavors by introducing residents and visitors of all ages to writers, musicians and artists in an intimate setting.


Most events take place in historic buildings around Woodstock’s lovely Green, within three minutes’ walk to the center of Woodstock village, with its unique shops and superb dining.  In addition, ArtisTree Gallery in South Pomfret, hosts the opening reception, as well as the UnBound exhibition of book art. Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park hosts a writing workshop and presentation. Bentley’s Restaurant holds a brunch reading Sunday morning.


There is limited parking, nearly all of it metered, in Woodstock village.  We suggest that you park just outside the village, either at the Billings Farm and Museum on Rt. 12 north, or in the lot between Village Hardware and Pizza Chef on Rt. 4 just east of the village. There are also lots in Woodstock’s east end (on the north side of Rt. 4, between the Shire Motel and Mobil station), and behind the Woodstock elementary school (off South St., Rt. 106 south).


Bookstock hosts two remarkable book sales at once. Norman Williams Public Library offers a unique selection of fine vintage books of interest to both serious and casual collectors. In addition, NWPL and the North Universalist Chapel Society collaborate to put together an extraordinary used book fair. Thousands of quality secondhand books are available at yard sale prices under a tent on the Green, carefully arranged by genre and topic.